I'm not the best yet at getting these to look organized or even in a nice row....but whatever lol (keep reading below the pictures)

My children and I have been practicing for the Christmas play. It is quite a production. Not just a simple play. You are all invited. I hope if you live close by, you can come. If not it will be recorded, I can get you a copy if you let me know.
I have to tell you about my special camera. I wanted to buy a camera on black Friday, or as some call it grey Thursday..lol. But I had no money so I just took my children shopping, they had money. A few days later I thought maybe the store would have some left over black Friday camera's. But they said "no". So I needed a camera anyway. I talked with the salesman about what camera would be best and why. I finally narrowed it down which one I wanted. He went to look for it under where they keep them locked up and they didn't have it. But they had this other camera that was almost the same, the man wasn't sure what it was. He went to check and it turned out to be a black Friday camera. So not only was it cheap but it was just like the one I wanted and was going to pick anyway. I really felt special, like God had kept it there for me. I was super blessed and excited! This is the second time in just a few months that God has used the fact that I had no money when I thought I needed it, to bless me more later. He is awesome like that!
Moving has proved itself to be interesting. I have never moved by myself before. I have never had to make all or any of the decisions before. So it was a bit overwhelming, but a lot of great people showed up to help me and made the transition much easier. I also had a lot of people show up to help me clean the house to "perfection." I needed to leave the house really perfect. It was really perfect when we moved in. So thank you to all of you that helped me! I could have never done it with out you!. Figuring out where to put everything in my house is another exciting challenge. Never have I been able to just put things where I want. And decorating was never my job. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. I keep typing and backspacing, I want to say I am not good at decorating or arranging rooms, but I really don't know that, I've never really been given a chance or if I tried it was changed. So we will see.
God provided a mini storage for me paid for the next few months, and I get to live rent free for a while. Praise the Lord! He is good to me. I look forward to sending Christmas cards here soon. If you would like a card, I would love to send you one! Please email me your address. Also feel free to leave comments on here, it is nice, or on FB. Thanks! hollywatkinssoc@gmail.com is my email
Holly, I've been reading along as I am able and haven't said much before, waiting for the right words I guess. But I just wanted to let you know how happy I am that the Father is providing for you. He is faithful and just to provide. It's a blessing to be able to read about your life and how you and the children are being taken care of. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to be part of you.
Jehovah Jireh our provider! This is a perfect example of that! God bless your family! Thank you for letting me read along and be a part! Praying for you all!
And... we were so blessed by your play! :)
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