Our new nativity scene given to me by a great friend
I know my last post was written about things I am thankful for, but there is so much more. God is showing me so many things. So we are doing really good. I got some new kids in counseling and the others are doing way better. We are amazed at how our Christmas is coming together. I haven't spent any money yet we have so many presents under our tree, and even some for me! We usually didn't have much for Christmas in the past. And last year we didn't even have a tree. So to see what God provided is amazing. Just in the last two weeks or so I have been given a Christmas tree, had money given to me, all our bikes are fixed, a friend paid for a new tire I needed, someone took our family portrait for free, many families have given us presents, food, and we got our housing voucher, and right now I am sitting at a fancy condo by the beach! I am so blown away. So we get to move to a place of our own here pretty soon. And God is always working the impossible in situations for us. I am a little overwhelmed at the thought of moving again so soon, but I think it took me moving to somewhere small to realize we may need a little bit bigger place. That one extra bedroom makes a big difference, so we are going from a two bedroom to a three. :) And the place has a big living room and dining room, which I love, because I love having people over and hosting things. So I am looking forward to doing that again.
Thank you all for your prays. I am also very blessed to be in the community I am in. People are really nice to my kids and are always willing to help us our in different situations. God has shown me that I am not alone in raising my children. He is walking this road with me, and I can go to Him anytime I need him. Sometimes I feel like the same characteristics I have lived with are showing up in my children. But I serve a God bigger than any legacy we have been left with. God has helped me to stay more patient with my kids, I almost feel like my old self again. And I am learning to enjoy time on my own. I even went to see a movie with some friends :) by my myself. I do most things with my kids, and for a little while it was hard to be alone. But now I am starting to enjoy it. It is nice to feel like a whole, normal person again. God can heal anything!