Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Domestic Abuse

I would like to touch on this special subject a bit.  I feel like people are not aware that this happens. I certainly had no idea.  Domestic abuse. What is that?  Well, we have all heard of Domestic Violence.  And what do we think of when we here that? Oh, those poor women who get beat up all the time by their partners. That is not me! Well, Domestic abuse, is from a different alley, but same cycles. It isn't physical, it's emotional. Emotional abuse is very real and sometimes more damaging than physical abuse. This is a really great web site that shows the signs you are in a abusive relationship. This was really helpful to me. Abusers have a cycle that they follow, over and over. It's so interesting. I was dumbfounded when I realized that these kind of men are all the same. They have so many of the same characteristics. I realized this before I found out other things about Donavan. But it caused me get to get some help and the ball rolling which caused the other "truths" to come out the way they did. God was revealing things to me a little at a time.
If you think that you may be in a situation like this, search for a local domestic violence/abuse clinic, They totally help you with support and what to do now.  I go to a weekly support group that has been a great help.
On a side note...This does not mean I don't believe that a husband is head of the household, and God's order of things.  I do believe and have tried to live that. This is not about that.  It is when the man is using fear to control his wife/family, and diminishing her self worth so she is useless to anyone but him, and using threats, those things are not ok.

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