Friday, August 23, 2013

Some fun good news!

Free Backpacks!

Ok, so we have had a lot of fun things happen in the last couple weeks.  One of which was the "free" backpacks we got from the Salvation Army give away in Falls City.  The kids (and I) are so excited.  Going to church on Sunday was super great! Then this past Tues was Tiffany's birthday.  We all went to the beach and had a blast, then on to the Tillamook

Cheese Factory. It was so great to go and get wet and get sand in the with no pressure. We had a lot of fun, we even got to help get some people's car unstuck from the sand.  We love to help people out. Summer has been going potty in the toilet all day...YAY. I think I am going to get to go back to school. I love school. Probable just take some online classes for now.  Today I went and got my leaking tire fixed.  Turned out I had two leaking tires.  Both were fixed for free and someone left me $20 for gas! I've been able to hang out with my kids a lot and get my hair (my favorite thing). I feel like God is giving me a big hug.  So much pressure has been taken off my shoulders, even though I have 7 kids and it's just me and them now, things are better than they've been in a long time and we are happy and pressure free! Thank you to all of the great people in my life who always ask how I'm doing or say I am praying for you.  I don't feel so alone in all of this, and that is God using you to hug THANKYOU

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Support Group for Domestic Abuse

So I go to a support group once a week.  It has been really great.  It is nice to be amongst people who understand each other and what we have been through.  You can see on peoples faces when someone else is telling a story that we have all experienced that same thing. Today they had us go back to when we first met our "abuser".  What were your dreams and hopes for the relationship and for life.  For me I wanted to make sure I married someone who loved to dance and hike and be active. I didnt really have many plans past that, I was young. I thought that was what I was marrying. While we dated thats all we did. But it all stopped the day we got married. Which is what they refer to as the "light switch moment." When the abuser suddenly becomes a different person one day.
They talked about the "Cinderella story." Most people in America have this fairy tale idea of how a relationship should go. We all want to be adored for our beauty, rescued by prince charming and of course live happily ever after. When that doesn't happen, we all wonder "What Happened?" So maybe our ideas of how life should happen are a little off track.  I am thankful to have the privilege of teaching my daughters how their personality should be just as beautiful as their outward appearance. How dressing appropriately will help attract the right kind of guy that isnt destracted with her body. Now I pray that God will show them how a husband should really treat a wife.  That how we were treated was not ok.
We then talked about if we ever got to the point where we knew what was coming as far as the abuse goes. There is the cycle that happens.  And you learn to keep the peace and try your best to keep things calm.  But it is inevitable no matter what you do.  I remember coming to the place where I knew I could never do enough, everyday he would come home and have some other "request" that I hadn't got around to.  Like one day it was the fridge wasn't clean enough, the next day it was the desk wasn't organized.  I always felt like I would never be a good enough wife and get the right things done.  But in that I am thankful I had the Lord.  I knew that God knew I did my best each day.  And even if I didn't live up to Donavan's standards, I did live up to Gods. 
They explained this: like an alcoholic thinks they will feel better if they drink, a controlling person feels better when they can control something.  So when they have a rough day or something they will come home and "control things" to feel better.  It seems so twisted but its true.  They will plan things out in there head so they can do this.  But in this same cycle there will be "good times" when everything seems fine.  But the cycle all happens again. It is so eye opening to look back over my life and see the big picture.  I was truly devoted and trusting. I always tried harder. Eventually  my love wore thin, and I manly did what I could just to hold life together.  Flowers and nice jesters became meaningless because his actions always said other wise.  Anyway, God has taught me so much. I am so thankful he has walked this road with me.  And thankful for my support group. I love sharing how God has helped me, and continues to help me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Domestic Abuse

I would like to touch on this special subject a bit.  I feel like people are not aware that this happens. I certainly had no idea.  Domestic abuse. What is that?  Well, we have all heard of Domestic Violence.  And what do we think of when we here that? Oh, those poor women who get beat up all the time by their partners. That is not me! Well, Domestic abuse, is from a different alley, but same cycles. It isn't physical, it's emotional. Emotional abuse is very real and sometimes more damaging than physical abuse. This is a really great web site that shows the signs you are in a abusive relationship. This was really helpful to me. Abusers have a cycle that they follow, over and over. It's so interesting. I was dumbfounded when I realized that these kind of men are all the same. They have so many of the same characteristics. I realized this before I found out other things about Donavan. But it caused me get to get some help and the ball rolling which caused the other "truths" to come out the way they did. God was revealing things to me a little at a time.
If you think that you may be in a situation like this, search for a local domestic violence/abuse clinic, They totally help you with support and what to do now.  I go to a weekly support group that has been a great help.
On a side note...This does not mean I don't believe that a husband is head of the household, and God's order of things.  I do believe and have tried to live that. This is not about that.  It is when the man is using fear to control his wife/family, and diminishing her self worth so she is useless to anyone but him, and using threats, those things are not ok.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

God's Provision

I stand in awe of the things God is doing.  We were so blessed to go to church today.  Since we had to be in hiding the last few weeks for my families safety, we were not able to go to church.  We would watch it online, but it is not the same. I think that is what my kids and I missed the most about being gone, was church. Anyway, today at church during worship the Lord reminded me of a lesson he taught me way back the first year I was married. During that first year Donavan and I had separated for a short while, and I saw God provide for me in amazing ways.  I learned right then and there, that he would always provide for me, despite Donavan.  I have always been able to know that God would provide, even when things are hard, especially when we had our business.  I am so glad I was taught that way back when, because now it really is just God and I, and the 7 kids he has blessed me with. I was so over whelmed with appreciation for what the Lord has done for us and how his is the best father my kids can have, I really couldn't stop crying.  The service was really great, about how  70% of what we do is from a habit. How important it is to have good habits in everything we do. Then seeing everyone afterwards is great to. I love the people at my church! So after all this someone provided me with enough money to pay my rent, twice! I am so excited! God always goes above and beyond what we even imagine! Thankyou!


I have noticed a going trend. A lot of really nice people who want to make sure I am getting assistance from all of the ways possible. Thank you so much for all your help. I will explain  now what I do get help with so you don't waste your time doing what the last person did or what I have already done. I am receiving SNAP (food stamps), and TANF (temporary assistance for needy families) which gives me enough money once a month to cover my small bills, gas, diapers, tp ect. I qualified for the Domestic Violence Grant which helped me with the gas and expenses from hiding out for a couple of weeks. I understand that their is a program that will pay your electricity once a year, and maybe some rent. I have applied for housing but there is a two year waiting list.  I am going to a DV support group that should bump me up on that two year list. That is what I have so far. If you know of anything else, feel free to comment. I just get a lot of repeat ideas from people, so maybe this will clear things up.

Friday, August 16, 2013

New Reasons

Check out the new reasons section to the right of this >>>>>>>>>>>>

Rent update

GOD is good! I have had several people give me about $200 each. Praise the Lord. And my parents said they will pay the difference. They are not rich but didn't want me to worry about this so soon.The less they have to pay the better, but they are willing. I know its a sacrifice.  So I have $800. If any wants to help with a little more that would be great. I understand its a sacrifice for anyone. So THANKYOU!  I only have a few more months on my lease, if I can make it to the end I will get a few thousand back in deposits. That is my new short term goal. I will go in to pay rent about 2pm. Thankyou.  God is good.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I love this!

One of my favorite things is to have all my kids gathered at the table. Its great to talk and read together. Oatmeal is not the most favored we have good times.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Got my new phone!!

Today I woke up to the phone ringing. It was the phone company telling me my phone was going to be shut off if it's not paid right now. I had no way to pay it at that moment, so I hung up and tried to go back to sleep. Feeling like nobody will be able to call me and I could sleep. I did read Ps 121-123. My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. I woke up to a friend at the door. It was so nice to see a familiar face. After she left I opened her card and she had giving me some money. So I was able to go today, and istead of paying my already late phone bill that I have no control over since Donavan took me off of the account, I opened my own phone account that only I can control. So it was a miracle that I didn't pay my old phone bill. Instead I was able to get 4 phones for only $100. My parents were on our account and Donavan turned there phones off a few weeks ago. So I got them their phones back. I am so happy. God worked all of the details out despite my disappointment this morning. So my new number is on Facebook or message me for it. Thankyou for all your prayers and support!


If you go to this site and click on Donavan Watkins you will see his charges and mug shot.

Just us Again

It's been four months since it was just me and my kids living happily alone. We were fine, happy, enjoying life. Then one day we got a visit from a great friend. We were so excited to see her. Then my husband and her husband were layed off together. She never got to go home from her vacation and I got a house guests for a while. We all had a blast. Her family and me and my kids. But then it happened, my husband got fired from his job and came home. We had moved to our house in November and me and the kids lived there while Donavan lived and worked in NV. So when Donavan came home he saw how happy we all were and I don't think he liked it. He said he was going to let everyone know what I was really like and tell our whole church our marriage problems. And that's what happened. My whole life got flipped upside down. I am typing this on my phone cuz he turned my internet off. So I will stop here for now. I'll talk about it more tomorrow. I am happy to have just me and my kids again. I have such amazing kids. And God has seen me through every step of this journey.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Need $ for rent by friday!

Just posting this because I talked to my Landlord today and found out I have till Friday to pay my rent(that was due on the 1st)or else we will be evicted. So that is my focus for now. I know God will provide. It will be super hard to move in a time like this. My rent is $1500. If you are able even to help with a few dollars, click the donate button below. ThankYou!!!